About Us

About Twekonyere Foundation


Twekonyere Foundation Uganda abbreviated as TWEFU started in 2019 as a one year project in Buswekera village, Hoima City located in Mid-western Uganda. "Twekonyere", a word in the Runyoro/Rutooro (Runyakitara) language translates as "Let us help each other ".

Our Founder Patricia Kajumba, emphasizes that her mother Ms. Betty Kyomuhendo inspired the naming of the project as "Twekonyere" one morning during breakfast as they had a conversation about community work. At the time, Patricia continued to observe girls aged 13-15 years leave school and their homes to go work as house helps in the city (Kampala). Not only did this expose the girls to all forms of abuse, but this also meant that they had abandoned their education. As a result, she developed a keen interest in understanding why girls from her community were leaving school for domestic work.

Patricia Kajumba Abwooli


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This prompted Patricia to lead a small team and together conducted a quantitative research study. The study was conducted in three villages namely Buswekera, Mpaija and Kasingo all located in Hoima city. Among other issues such as lack of adequate funds, the findings showed that 70% of 228 girls aged 12-15 years were struggling with menstrual health and hygiene management. The girls reported that abrupt starting of their periods meant that they needed to leave school and rush back home. One senior woman teacher highlighted that the shame after a girl was seen with a soiled uniform, made her terribly uncomfortable at school. For some girls, they never returned for the rest of the week or even worse never seen at school after that scenario.

On sitting down to analyse the findings, the team saw the urgent need for intervention through the Twekonyere project. The project aimed at raising awareness about proper menstrual health management and debunking different menstrual myths in these communities. Through conducting 7 school outreaches, we trained 54 young girls, 11 teachers and 21 boys on Menstrual Health and Hygiene management. We also shared accurate information about roles of different key players in advancing property menstrual health and hygiene. In spite of the great strides we made, during the monitoring and evaluation of the project the team acknowledged that there was still a gap in sustainable development of individuals and their communities. Addressing poor menstrual health and hygiene was only part of the solution. Following the need for sustainable change, five members of the team resolved that Twekonyere project would advance and grow into an indigenous organisation. After undergoing the required steps of registration, Twekonyere Foundation Uganda received its operational license as an NGO in 2022.


Our Foundation

Our Vision

A world in which African youth champion their well-being and and contribute to the development of their communities.

Our Mission

To serve as a youth based organisation that contributes towards sustainable development of individuals and communities, through providing solutions to improve their good health and wellbeing.

Core Values

get involved

We welcome donations and volunteers to help us reach more young people. Your support can transform young lives and communities by restoring hope and extending necessary resources. Join us in amplifying positive change.